07 Jun Black Anima (Character Showcase) – Battle in our Lacuna Coil themed Character Showcase Dungeon!
Embark on the hunt for the fabled Black Anima!
Our newest in-game collaboration features Italian metal band, Lacuna Coil. We’ve created a new character, The Shadow Sorceress, influenced by Lacuna Coil’s interest in the creative force that comes from the ‘shadow side’. This wicked wielder of dark magic harnesses her rage and transforms it into powerful spells. Her basic attack, Sword of Anger, removes beneficial effects from her target and will inflict Smite on all enemies!
Get full character details in the Compendium.
You can earn The Shadow Sorceress for free just by logging in! The Shadow Sorceress calendar is running from June 7th to July 6th. Log in any 7 days during that period to earn awesome rewards including the Shadow Sorceress herself on the 7th day!
Discover the Shadow Sorceress’s story! From now until June 14th, 5 PM PT, battle in the Black Anima Character Showcase dungeon! This special dungeon, named after their 2019 album, features a Lacuna Coil themed script and just 1 difficulty setting so everyone can participate.
Mystic Eddie leads the Alchemist and the Shadow Sorceress into battle to search for the fabled Black Anima! All 3 characters will be permanent companions anytime you battle in this area, leaving you 1 character slot to bring the ally of your choice. Battles in the Black Anima are guaranteed to provide gold, along with a chance at additional Evo materials, Skill Shards and Sands of Time.